Press Release: 3rd Act Craft Brewery Steps Closer to Construction.

WOODBURY - April 24th marked the official ground breaking for 3rd Act Craft Brewery and the excitement couldn't be higher.  Joined by Woodbury's Mayor Mary Stephens, Kalcon Construction's David Kalogerson & Adam Ryks, Wilkus Architects' Kevin Green & Lindsey Wilkus, family & friends, Steve & Debbie Long proceeded to kick off the brewery's construction schedule.  The brewery breaks ground in April with a projected opening date of mid-October, weather permitting.  

3rd Act Craft Brewery - Jobsite Sign.jpg
I think this is something Woobury needed for a long time and I’m glad to be a part of it.
— 3rd Act Craft Brewery Owner Steve Long

Construction will start with grading and site work, soon followed by setting the building foundations and floor slab.  Make sure to check back often to follow progress throughout construction and keep up to date on project news.  Also keep tabs on our social media. #MNBeer #Cheers
